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GDC Coaching
Mindful Weight Management
Nutrition Pillar
There is so much information out there about nutrition that it is difficult to decipher what’s reliable and what’s just the latest fad.
The Institute of Medicine developed something called the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR). This is the recommendation of daily intake percentages for carbs, protein and fat for optimal health. Depending on your particular nutritional needs, your medical status and your likes and dislikes, everyone will have a different percentage combination of carbs, protein and fat in their daily diet. The AMDR are exceptionally wide ranges and can accommodate individual dietary preferences.
Another nugget of good nutritional information is Nutrient dense foods. This means that a food is relatively rich in nutrients for the amount of calories contained. For example, 6 jelly beans or an orange - they both have the same calories, but an orange has significant amount of vitamin C and other nutrients that are good for our body. It’s a choice to give our bodies food to make it thrive. We can make that choice each time we eat.
Another nutritional concept is low calorie high volume food. There are many smart food swaps we can do to enjoy our favorite foods with lower caloric consequences.
We are bombarded with super-sized portions everywhere we go. Being conscious of portion sizes and paying attention to our internal satiety cues can go a long way to help maintain ideal weight.
Dining out can sabotage best efforts for weight management. Once you explore your challenges around eating out, you can create easy to do strategies which will ease the fear. This will give you the ability to maintain a healthy weight while enjoying and savoring the dining out experience. You will be able to eat anywhere without fear!